Claire George
“A school we are working with through the behaviour panel processes came to us as Lead for Safeguarding and Prevent for Education. They had made a referral to Childrens Social Care about a child they felt potentially was at risk of Female Genital Mutilation but didn’t feel the referral was being taken seriously. We were able to work with the school to use the intelligence and information sharing that we already had through our E-CINS work with them and support them to not only challenge the decision and the plan of action for that particular case but actually to escalate it.”

Claire George
“E-CINS is the system that we use for the service element and I think the pure beauty of E-CINS is that it offers a single record which means that everything is in one single place. It’s completely secure, GDPR compliant , very simple and easy to use and it enables you to build, in realtime, a chronology of all the people that are working with a child so you can build more quickly, more effectively and more safely, a holistic child’s profile.”

Paul Dunn MBE
“Community MARACs are seen as a tool for practitioners to obtain support and resolution for a range of problems, especially if it involves repeat victimisation, vulnerability or high risk complex issues which require a partnership approach due the personal and organisational risk they pose.. To continually identify and adopt improvements to the process, a number of Community MARACs have adopted E-CINS as a case management system so all meetings are on line and information is securely shared and managed without the need for paper copies.”M

Cati Jervis
“The Make Amends team have access to E-CINS and they can upload outcomes following their RJ interventions. I have one case at the moment where the Make Amends Team are finding it difficult to make contact with an offender but I am able to contact him quite easily. We are getting different sides to the client’s story as to what is happening but because we share the same system we have live information from all the agencies involved in their Case which gives us as Keyworkers access to the most accurate up-to-date information before we visit a client.”

Phil Aves
“Many of the individuals we support through Lowestoft Rising are vulnerable and have complex needs and there are a range of organisations and agencies who are involved in providing interventions to support them. Sometimes there are agencies who are involved in the partnership who do not know the individuals who have been referred in and in cases like these photographs are invaluable. Agencies might not be aware of people’s individual names but they often recognise faces. E-CINS provides a huge benefit here in enabling us to upload photos so that everyone knows who they are talking about and by ensuring everyone has access to the same information, in one place and in realtime so that we can all stay abreast of changes as they happen.”

Kate Green
“From the Council’s point of view, before we started using the Needs Assessment Tool we would signpost customers to various agencies where they could seek support for themselves. Now, what we have with E-CINS is the ability to see the bigger picture and understand the type of support they need to help them in the right way. It is also an opportunity for individuals to get to grips with the extent of their own problems and begin the journey to overcome them. The automatic referrals that are made through E-CINS and communicated back to the claimant ensures that the work we do with our partners is far more than just a sticking plaster and can actually provide individuals with access to the right kind of support and advice specifically tailored to their precise needs. Together with our partners we can then track an individual’s progress and carry out interventions, for example checking they have turned up for appointments and are working towards specific goals.”

Shelley Ward
‘We started a project three years ago to identify frequent attendees to custody. These people were not long-term criminals but individuals who were trapped in a cycle of low-level crime such as shoplifting. We identified that many of these people were trapped in domestic violence, had mental health, drugs and alcohol issues and were vulnerable to outside influences. Through IROP, Peterborough Police are also able to identify people who have no previous offending and offer them direction and support before their life becomes a cycle of crime and reduced wellbeing.
Using E-CINS and the assessment tools allows the intervention team to review the key indicators. This supports evaluation and review that the person is receiving the appropriate management care plan for their individual need.”

Devon Cuimara
“The AMHC is proud of our Alliance with Empowering-Communities and working alongside Gary, Sarah, Tom, Lynsey, and Elle. Furthermore, Our team will achieve great outcomes for the Aboriginal Families of the Pilbara region who experience family violence.”

Phil Priestley
“Without E-CINS we could have breached the Data Protection Act by sharing email information which could potentially be forwarded on to someone else.”

Claire George
“E-CINS is completely secure, GDPR compliant , very simple and easy to use and it enables you to build, in realtime, a chronology of all the people that are working with a child so you can build more quickly, more effectively and more safely, a holistic child’s profile.”

Mark Rabel
“The Constabulary has used the ECINs platform for some time which is easily accessed via the internet and requires no special software to be installed. It has flexibility to share information with only those that have legitimate access to it.
We are now in the process of establishing ECINS as our recording platform for the PSG and our tracking tool for the same. We intend to use ECINs to hold our OSARA problem solving plans. In essence ECINs will become our default admin.”

Claire George and Andy Craighead
“We were having 1 or 2 permanent exclusions every 3 weeks but it’s fair to say that since setting up the Behavioural Support Panels we have only had 2 permanent exclusions in 2 years.
E-CINS has been absolutely central to the success of the scheme, it really is an amazing tool that has allowed us to carry out this work in a secure and efficient way and help us deliver joined up support.”

Simon Clifford
“E-CINS solves a range of problems by ‘opening up’ a secure channel for partners to provide multi-agency solutions. It is well aligned to our strategic objectives and quite simply if we did not already have E-CINS we would have had to create it. As a cloud-based system E-CINS can be turned on, introduced, implemented and rolled out quickly, easily and at good value for money – it doesn’t get better than that really.”

Carl Holland
“I always get a very good response from agencies when they are introduced to E-CINS and I explain the benefits. Once they see for themselves how it enables multi-agency use, sharing of information and realtime information, rather than waiting on emails, they are won over. I hook into E-CINS at the Complex Case Panel meetings as it’s much easier for me to see everything in one place and I don’t have to carry wads of paper around with me. To accommodate all of our attendees the meeting is held in a traditional format, the agenda is set beforehand and minutes are taken live at the meeting but after the meeting ends the minutes, actions and tasks are all transferred to ECINS so that we can see the progress of cases live on the system and can check what tasks and actions are outstanding ahead of the next meeting. It saves us a lot of time and energy and creates a more efficient workspace as there is no need to send separate emails or carry out numerous phone calls.”

Jordan Cashmore
“The GLAA wanted to look at typical business types that don’t need to be licensed or registered to see if they were high risk Modern Day Slavery premises….We decided to use E-CINS because of the way it was already being utilised by the Complex Persons Panels/Vulnerable Persons Panels and we adopted the same process. The GLAA wanted a system which all three agencies could look at in real-time, and whilst at the premises. They wanted to be able to look at live data, update it in real-time and hold all the information in one place and E-CINS worked very well for this.”

David Smith
“I approached Empowering-Communities, as we already used their E-CINS platform, to discuss the development of a dedicated database to store and share the Keep Safe card membership data. This was a major step change as now we had a way of managing the membership electronically, which would allow us to develop and increase the membership but vastly reduce the time it takes to process each application and more importantly, carry out audits to ensure the data meets the new GDPR regulations.

Aarron Locks
“By using E-CINS we are able to reduce the burden of printing and stationery costs by not having the need or requirement to print out action plans, minutes and other meeting related papers as all the detail is held on the system. By making use of the E-CINS action and tasking features this saves resource time in not having the need to send numerous emails after the meeting. As the system has a deadline feature it also manages the actions being tracked which again saves performance monitoring time.”

Chris Day
“The time savings we’ve been able to make since using E-CINS has been enormous. We’ve been able to significantly cut down the time we spend on data entry and searching for information, it is just so quick. We now spend far less time in the office and, as a result, far more time with our clients. The other most useful element is the constant trail of work that is recorded and therefore accessible to the whole team.”

Andy Solomon
“The information collated onto E-CINS was vital in producing a report to Social Care which helped in identifying that more intense help was urgently required with this family. E-CINS was instrumental in the information sharing process. E-CINS in this case may well have prevented a serious case review having to be carried out.”

Inspector Matt Derrick
“E-CINS has completely revolutionised the way we operate within prisons now that they are involved in the joint management of those individuals and that we are routinely sharing information amongst the partnership to more effectively manage sentences. There is a dimension to an offender’s life that had always been missing once they cross the threshold of a prison but with the support of E-CINS we are able to easily and effectively share information and share each other’s priorities around ensuring the right support and the right interventions are sequenced properly to ensure the best possible outcome for the offender.”

Rachel Tucker
“The Tasking facility has given us enormous time savings because of all the chasing around we used to do. I can talk about E-CINS in depth as I have been using it for a long time, people sometimes say “I wish it can do that”, I usually find it can.”

Shelley Ward
“The Care Plans are developed and kept on E-CINS and from there we are able to provide direction to other agencies and organ-isations involved in service provision such as custody, hospital doctors and nurses, prison doctors and nurses and social workers.”

Emma Taylor
“We had a vulnerable offender who had a mental health crisis and was a suicide risk. We were able to link his case from E-CINS onto the investigation file on the police system ATHENA and the MASH team were alerted to his vulnerability”.