Tag: Safeguarding and Complex Risk

Case Study

Modern Day Slavery Project Discovery secure sharing with ECINS

Empowering-Communities’ Heather Ette spoke to Les Golding, Modern Slavery Investigator at Sussex Police about their Discovery partnership project which brings together 15+ different agencies including local police officers, fire officers,…

Case Study

E-CINS and ASB Warning Notices – Tower Hamlets

Sergeant Colin Reed, Central East BCU – Partnership & Prevention, Metropolitan Police Service, Central East BCU (Hackney & Tower Hamlets) Email: colin.reed@met.police.uk In 2016 Tower Hamlets received over 18,000 calls relating just to…

Case Study

Problem Solving with E-CINS – BTP

PS 4055 Tony Freeman, Citizens in Policing Sgt FHQ, Territorial Policing Support, British Transport Police Email: anthony.freeman@btp.pnn.police.uk BTP began piloting E-CINS with a Problem Solving Plan template based on SARA, the police…

Case Study

Case Study – Leicester Square Underground Station – Problem Solving

The problem: Community complaints were received by the Neighbourhood Coordinator from the Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), businesses, residents and ward members, regarding eight entrenched rough sleepers at the entrance to…

Case Study

Rescue and Response – Pan London County Lines Project

Jules Trompowsky, Rescue and Response Partnership Coordinator (North London), Rescue and Response Project (County Lines) Email: Juliana.Trompowsky@brent.gov.uk Empowering-Communities are the chosen IT provider to facilitate the MOPAC funded Pan-London Rescue and Response…

Case Study

E-CINS in Barnet

Richard Norfolk, Reducing Offending Partnership Coordinator, Community Safety Team, Environment Commissioning Group, London Borough of Barnet, Email: Richard.Norfolk@barnet.gov.uk  Barnet use E-CINS for Community Safety, Integrated Offender Management, Domestic Abuse, Domestic Violence,…

Case Study

Case Study: Largest County Lines Project in the UK

Case Study 1. Largest CountyLines Project in the UK   Geographical area: Pan London   Project Aim: ‘This project will develop and deliver a support service for young people who are…

Case Study News

Developing systems to create solutions

Our I-REDS methodology (Identify, Refer, Engage, Divert, Support) is about empowering communities by establishing a solid foundation to support those most at risk and in need within your community. The…

Case Study

Increased Security and Data Protection Compliance

Empowering-Communities’ Heather Ette spoke to Phil Priestley, Cambs City/South Cambs/Hunts NPT SPOC, Cambridgeshire Constabulary HE: When did you first start working with E-CINS? PP: I first encountered E-CINS more than…

Case Study

ASB Case Study

By Sgt Justin Howard, Peterborough South NPT, Cambridgeshire Constabulary The Problem We had a Community Protection Warning Letter which was provided to a family where there was a female constantly…